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K&W Healthcare Ltd

Freedom of Information Requests

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act gives anyone a general right to request information held by public authorities such as the NHS. The aim of the Act is to create a climate of openness in public services and to inform people how public authorities make their operational decisions and how public money is spent. Much of this information – such as minutes of meetings, board papers and policies – is already available on this website.

Before submitting a FOI request, please check where the responsibility for the service lies. In summary (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • The CCG commissions elective hospital care, urgent and emergency care, community healthcare and mental healthcare & learning disability services for its own population.
  • The National Commissioning Board leads on primary care contracting (GP Contracting, Dental, Pharmacy), specialised services, offender healthcare, secure mental health care and some armed forces healthcare.
  • The Local Authority is responsible for Public Health, which includes sexual health services, drug and alcohol treatment, health checks, school nursing programmes, giving up smoking programmes and services to prevent childhood obesity.

If your FOI relates to services commissioned by NHS Brent CCG, please submit your request in writing by contacting:

Freedom of Information Team
15 Marylebone Road
London NW1 5JD

Email: [email protected]

Please state clearly that your request relates to NHS Brent CCG.

Your request will be responded to within 20 working days of receipt. Where a request is refused, the reasoning and further course of action available will be explained fully to you. For more information about exemptions and the 18 hour time limit please see the Information Commissioner’s website.

Make a Complaint

We recognise that suggestions and complaints provide valuable insight into services, so we welcome your comments if you are not happy with the healthcare you have received. We will use your feedback to review our services and make improvements.

If your complaint is about treatment at a hospital, mental health or community services provider, you should contact them directly. If you are dissatisfied with the response to your complaint, you can contact NHS Brent CCG, which commissions these services, at:

The BHH (Brent, Harrow and Hillingdon) Governance and Complaints Team

The Heights,
3rd Floor, 59-65 Lowlands Road,
Middx  HA1 3AW

Tel: 020 8966 1059 and 020 8966 1065

Email: [email protected]