Brampton Health Centre
Chalkhill Family Practice
113 Chalkhill Road, HA9 9FX
Tel: 020 8736 7033
Fax: 020 8385 0172
Inter-Practice Referrals Cardiovascular diagnostics | Phlebotomy
Chamberlayne Road Surgery
124 Chamberlayne Road, NW10 3JP
Tel: 020 8206 6590
Inter-Practice Referrals
Cardiovascular diagnostics | Insulin initiation | LHRH | Carers support |
LTBI | Influenza 65+ | Influenza at risk |At risk of Diabetes | Phlebotomy
Ellis Practice Welford Centre
Kings Edge Medical Centre
Premier Medical Centre
116 Chaplin Road, HA0 4UZ
Tel 020 8795 6150
Fax 020 8795 6171
Inter-Practice Referrals
Cardiovascular diagnostics | Insulin initiation | LHRH | Carers support | DMARD monitoring | LTBI |
Influenza 65+ | Influenza at risk | At risk of Diabetes | Phlebotomy
Preston Road Surgery
56 Preston Road, HA9 8LB
Tel 020 8904 6442
Fax 020 8908 1040
Inter-Practice Referrals
Cardiovascular diagnostics | Insulin initiation | LHRH |
Influenza 65+ | Influenza at risk | Phlebotomy
Kingsbury Health & Wellbeing
245 Stag Lane, NW9 0EF
Tel 020 8204 0777
Fax 020 8206 0602
Inter-Practice Referrals
The Fryent Way Surgery
The Sheldon Practice
The Stag Holyrood Practice
The Tudor House Medical Centre
Uxendon Crescent Surgery
1 Uxendon Crescent, HA9 9TW
Tel 020 8904 3883
Fax 020 8904 3899
Inter-Practice Referrals
DMARD monitoring | LTBI | Influenza 65+ | Influenza at risk |
At risk of Diabetes | Phlebotomy
Burnley Practice
Crest Medical Centre
157 Crest Road, NW2 7NA
Tel 020 8452 5155
Fax 020 8452 4570
Inter-Practice Referrals
Cardiovascular diagnostics | LHRH | LTBI | Influenza 65+ | Influenza at risk |
At risk of Diabetes | Phlebotomy
Gladstone Medical Centre
5 Dollis Hill Lane, NW2 6JH
Tel: 020 8102 9108
Fax: 020 8208 8409
Inter-Practice Referrals
Cardiovascular diagnostics | Insulin initiation | LHRH |
Carers support | DMARD monitoring | LTBI | Influenza 65+ |
Influenza at risk | At risk of Diabetes | Phlebotomy
Neasden Medical Centre
21 Tanfield Avenue, NW2 7SA
Tel: 020 8208 0306
Fax: 020 8452 4324
Inter-Practice Referrals
St Andrews Medical Centre
Greenhill Park Medical Centre, NW10 9AR
Tel 020 8459 7755
Fax 020 8459 7809
Inter-Practice Referrals
St Georges Medical Centre
9 Dollis Hill Lane, NW2 6JH
Tel: 020 8450 4040
Fax: 020 8450 7334
Inter-Practice Referrals
The Willesden Medical Centre
Alperton Medical Centre
Hazeldene Medical Centre
1b Wyld Way, HA9 6PW
Tel 020 8902 8223
Fax 020 8903 4850
Inter-Practice Referrals
Cardiovascular diagnostics | Insulin initiation | LHRH | Carers support |
LTBI | Influenza 65+ | Influenza at risk |At risk of Diabetes | Phlebotomy
Lancelot Medical Centre
Sudbury Surgery
The Eagle Eye Surgery
26 Eagle Road, HA0 4SH
Tel 020 8902 8223
Fax 020 8903 4850
Inter-Practice Referrals
Cardiovascular diagnostics | Insulin initiation | LHRH | Carers support |
LTBI | Influenza 65+ | Influenza at risk |At risk of Diabetes | Phlebotomy