MAKE A Complaint

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We recognise that suggestions and complaints provide valuable insight into services, so we welcome your comments if you are not happy with the healthcare you have received. We will use your feedback to review our services and make improvements.

If your complaint is about treatment at a hospital, mental health or community services provider, you should contact them directly. If the complainant is dissatisfied with the management of the complaint by KWH they may wish to contact NWL CCG as below:

E-mail: [email protected]

In writing: Complaints Manager NW London Clinical Commissioning Groups 15 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JD 

 Telephone: 020 3350 4567 (This is an automated service. Please leave a message requesting a call back).


If you remain dissatisfied with the responses to your complaint, you have the right to ask the Health Service Ombudsman to review your case. This is an independent body established to promote improvements in healthcare through the assessment of the performance of those who provide service. You can contact them on 0345 015 4033 or write to them at: 

 The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

Millbank Tower 

London SW1P 4QP